Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Gustav Klimt The Kiss (Le Baiser _ Il Baccio) painting

Gustav Klimt The Kiss (Le Baiser _ Il Baccio) paintingGustav Klimt Sea Serpents paintingVincent van Gogh Self Portrait painting
Flavius said he didn't much want to but that it might be an offer to surrender. So the two brothers started shouting at each other across the river. Hermann began talking German, but Flavius said that unless he talked Latin the conversation was at an end. Hermann did not want to talk Latin, which the other chiefs did not understand, for fear of being thought a traitor, and Flavius did not want to be thought a traitor by the Romans, who did not understand German. On the other hand Hermann wanted to make an impression on the Romans, and Flavius on the Germans. Hermann tried to keep to German, and Flavius to Latin, but as they grew more and more heated they fell into such a dreadful mixture of both languages that, as Gennanicus wrote to me, it was as good as a comedy to hear them. I quote from Gennanicus's account of the dialogue.
HERMANN: Hullo, brother. What's happened to your face? That scar's an awful deformity. Lost an eye?
FLAVIUS; Yes, brother. Did you happen to pick one up

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